Thursday 10 January 2019

Phase 2

In this Phase I'll tell you about scanning


Scanning is the act of taking the information that you found during your reconnaissance and using it as a way of examining the network.The tools that you can use to scan include:

  • Port scanners
  • Dialers
  • ICMP-Internet Control Message Protocol -scanners
  • Network mappers
  • Ping sweeps
  • SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol - sweepers
  • Vulnerability scanners

The information that you are looking for during the scan is anything that can help you to carry out an attack on a specific target or you are trying to find the information that another hacker will find to see where the security gaps are:

  • Operating  system 
  • Computer name 
  • Software that may be installed
  • User accounts
  • IP address

If, during your hack on your own system, you find any of these, you will know where your weakness are.
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Hey Everybody Yes i know that it's been a long time a have not written any blog but now i decided that i will write it daily and u w...